Fix Invalid Shortcuts
Most often you delete/move the target file or folder of a
shortcut, making that shortcut invalid.
This utility searches your disk for such dead shortcuts, and can even fix them,
by automatically searching for moved targets.
- There are two options for scanning for invalid shortcuts.
(1) Scan for invalid/broken shortcuts from Start Menu or Desktop or ,
(2) Scan for hard-disk drives specified. For option (2), Click 'Drives'.
You will be shown the option dialog. From that, select the 'Scan all drives
specified in the drives tab' option. Select the drives on your hard disk you want to scan, by check
the appropriate drives.
- Click the 'Scan' icon. Wait for the process to
complete, when the 'Please wait' dialog box will be gone. You can cancel the
scanning process by pressing the cancel Button or pressing Esc
- From the list of links presented, you can select those
files that you want to delete by check marking them. By default, all links
found are marked for deletion. Select the files and right click on them to
see the context menu. There are various options, all of them self-explanatory.
- If you come across such a link that you know the file it
points to, you can fix this. Select the link, right click and click on the
Fix As option. Then browse and show the path to that file and Ace
Utilities will fix the broken link for you.
To set the options, click 'Options' on the left side.